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How To Remember Your Identity In Christ

Discover the importance of self-worth and learn three ways to remember your identity in Christ, including being wise about what and who you listen to, believing in what God says about you, and continually moving forward in your faith.

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You Are Not Defined By Your Past

Explore the difference between guilt and conviction and how embracing Jesus' gift of salvation can free you from the crippling effects of guilt. Learn to let go of negative self-perceptions and focus on the positive identity given by Jesus, finding freedom in his love and forgiveness.

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What Happens When You Stop Procrastinating And Obey Jesus

Discover the personal journey of a procrastinator and how trusting Jesus can bring a sense of obedience and discipline into life. Learn about the three stages of obedience: submitting your life to Jesus, getting to know Jesus, and obeying Jesus. Experience God's grace and love through this inspiring story of overcoming procrastination and embracing obedience.

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Three Steps To Defeating Greed And Envy

Discover the journey of overcoming envy and greed through a personal story of a gymnast's determination and contentment in her achievements. Learn three essential steps to defeating these negative emotions and find personal satisfaction through generosity, embracing your own identity, and resisting comparison with others.

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Making Peace With Your Imperfections Can Make You A Better Person

Discover how making peace with your imperfections can lead to freedom and transformation, allowing you to love others without judgment, humbly rely on God's mercy, and live in peace knowing your worthiness through Jesus. Embrace the imperfect journey and experience true grace.

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The Problem When Churches Compete With One Another

Explore the importance of unity and collaboration among local churches, avoiding competition and criticism, and working together for the cause of Jesus. Learn how a win for one local church is a win for the global church and the impact of having a Kingdom mentality.

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Change In The Church Is Healthy, Here's Why.

Discover the importance of change within the church and consider three essential questions to ask before making changes. Adapt to a diverse audience while honoring and respecting the past, ensuring the message of Jesus remains strong and effective.

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Why Is Church Important?

Explore the significance of the church in today's society and learn why its best days are still ahead, despite being filled with imperfect people. Discover the reasons why coming together as believers is necessary and vital, and how Jesus's teachings and sacrifices make the church relevant.

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Four Reasons Christians Need The Church

Explore four reasons why Christians need the church: the importance of surrounding ourselves with fellow believers, discovering our spiritual gifts, seeking guidance under the church's authority, and continually receiving grace for our shortcomings. Embrace the power of the church community and its role in our spiritual growth.

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3 Reasons The Church Is The Best Investment

Explore why investing in the local church, as opposed to various charitable organizations, can make a meaningful and eternal impact on people's lives and bring about lasting change in the world, based on the church's origins and its ability to change hearts.

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